Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Linear actuator III

mechanical movement is created by actors through a conversion of different forms of energy into mechanical energy and this is an important base for exploration. Through science, new ways of using actuators are daily, also found for the purposes of medicine. An actor is actually something that can convert energy into motion. A linear actuator can be used as a tool for development of power and movement from any available source of energy in a linear-like and were not usedrotation, such as electric motors.

There are several types of linear actuators with a mechanical linear actuator that is typically in the conversion of a handle or knob, the rotation used in a form of linear displacement by corridors and / or screws, attached the handle or knob. A jack or screw is a mechanical linear actuator, which is familiar to me. Another family is based on a linear mechanical chuck segmented based. The socket handle is rotatedmechanical motion is converted to linear power of the head. These actuators are typically used in optics and laser fields to manipulate the position of rotary tables, linear stages goniometer mirror mounts and positioning of the instruments. For the reproducible and accurate positioning, users can use index marks on the knobs.

Some mechanical actuators include linear position encoder and digital display. There is a similarity between the fine adjustment knobsunless they are used to adjust the position rather than the position measurement.A, hydraulic actuator or hydraulic cylinder typically has a hollow cylinder with a piston inserting it. The two sides are alternately de ram-pressure or under pressure for a controlled and precise linear displacement of the piston and piston units to achieve connection. Physically, the linear displacement along the axis of the cylinder or the piston and the design is usually based on hydraulicPrinciples. A hydraulic jack is a perfect example of a linear hydraulic actuator, even if the user is typically a hydraulic linear drive used to control a device has been activated by a hydraulic pump.

A piezoelectric effect is linear in some materials, the voltage applied to some physical causes of its expansion. If the tensions are very high, this is only for small extensions corresponding obtained the linear drivea resolution of positioning very well, although the range of motion is very small. Also provide the materials exhibit hysteresis and extent difficult to control in a way that is repeatable.

An electromechanical linear drive has similarities with a linear mechanical transmission even if the handle or knob is replaced with the help of an electric motor. The engine is the rotary motion is converted into linear displacement. There are many modern designs and the correspondingManufacturing firms tend to single proprietary methods. The electro-mechanical actuators, rotary evaporator is mechanically driver with a lead screw to ensure that the electric motor can rotate the spindle connected. In most designs of linear drive is the operating principle behind a plan that is tilted.

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