Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to Make a Key Ring Wall

Whether you love or someone who embarrassed his keys, it is rather a wall of keychain serves as a great gift because it is simple, practical, useful, and you can even easily. A key link is basically a piece of wood with sturdy hooks on multiple keys. Although you can easily buy a cheap key chain in a nearby store, so that even a lot of fun and can be designed to suit your style. Here are the supplies needed, andthe procedure as a basis.


- Wood (8 x 6 inches)
- Glue
- Router
- Small hook
- Cutters
- Brush
- Paint
- Drill
- Stain
- Tack cloth
- Sandpaper

A key to the lock wall beautiful, you should use a router that is connected with its sturdy wooden mills along the rocks outside. It serves as a border for your timber, give it a really nice ride and the smooth surfacerather than a piece of wood with rough edges and irregular. If you are not a router, but you can polish the edges with sandpaper or buy a pre-cut wood that is already circumcised around the any time in the craft store nearby.

The next step in making your key holder on the wall of the hole to turn the hook is ideally, you should drill the holes one inch from the base of the piece of wood. You can use this measure by drawing a horizontal line to highlight all the woodwith a pencil. Now take a length of wood with a ruler and divide by the number of hooks you, determine the length of space between each hook. Make sure all holes are distributed evenly. You can then drill the holes and secure the hook in them. Finish off with sandpaper to make the wood smooth and shiny, and follow by wiping with a tack cloth to remove debris.

Now comes the fun part, the design ofWall mount. Since the wood used measures 8x6 inches, there are a lot of wasted space. You can use this space for some projects or designs for a larger view. You can write your name, draw, create colorful designs, stickers, pins, or even photographs. The beauty, the owner's key, it is free to do so in whatever form you want to design. So creative and fun.

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